• Water filtration is the process of removing unwanted impurities.
• Particle / Sediment filtration process the solution through some form of filter which is rated a particular micron (µ).
• Particulate filters are commonly used to prevent debris, sediments and can even be graded to prevent some bacteria and viruses.
• Carbon filtration is primarily used to remove free chlorine from the water. It is also used for VOCs, taste and odour removal.
• Carbon filtration is extremely effective due to the adsorbent nature of the carbon’s pores.
• A process which is key to ensuring water quality is supplied free from impurities.
How does the filtration work?
• Water passes through either the filter or carbon by the incoming pressure.
• Impurities are then held onto by the filter medium.
• Filters are either cleaned or replaced on a periodic basis.
• A huge range of different filtration options available.